Tuesday, April 15, 2014

A short story- Say something

             First off, I' apologize for never posting. I have no excuse. Next, this is kinda sappy, so, if you don't like romance, don't read it. This is based off of one of my unfinished stories, about an orphan and a girl who'd lived with him and his gang for a while. This is also loosely based off of the song: "Say something" 

“I love you” She whispered, clutching at his shirt, hiding her face in his chest. All Layla could hear was his heart beating and the sharp intake of breath at her words. Her heart plummeted when a silence grew between them, and she swallowed.
“Say something.” She choked out, feeling her shoulders shake. “I love you Shiro. Let me stay! I want to be with you and the gang forever! Don’t make me go!” She felt her face grow hot and tears escaped her eyes, clenched tightly shut. “Say something! Please.” She wrapped her arms around his chest and buried her face in his shirt.
Hands reached lowly back and unhooked hers, pulling her away from him so they were a foot apart. Shiro leaned down to his friend’s eye level, cool red eyes looking horribly sad. Layla wiped her eyes and waited for him to speak.
“You have to go home Layla.” Every word he spoke pierced her heart. “Your parents need you, and you have to finish school. You have a home Layla, a family. We don’t have that. You need to take good care of yours.” She shook her head.
“My home is with you, Shiro!”
“I love you! Does that mean nothing to you?” Layla rubbed the balls of her hands into her eyes, sobbing out her words. Shiro leaned in then and kissed her sweetly and chastely on the lips. Every ounce of love went into the kiss, leaving them both stunned. Layla hiccuped and looked up at him with sad brown eyes. 
“I love you too… But you need to go home. You just, finish college and… come back to me, okay?”  Shiro kissed her forehead once and drew her into a tight hug, and the girl felt warm and safe for a single moment. Then the taxi honked and they both flinched, drawing apart. Words were no longer necessary, so Layla put her bags in the trunk, sliding into the passenger seat and shutting the door behind her. Shiro couldn't watch, so he turned back towards home as the engine revved.
“Shiro!” Her voice cut back to him and the boy whipped around, hardly catching the necklace that had been thrown to him. “I’ll come back to you. Wait for me!” With that the impatient taxi flew around the corner and vanished from sight, leaving Shiro standing on the sidewalk clutching the heart shaped pendant.

Shiro walked a few steps in silence before falling onto the park bench nearby. He held the necklace tight in his hands and promptly burst into tears, sobbing and trying to stop, but the emotions had finally caught up. He was later found by Acorn, cried to sleep on the park bench, Layla’s heart in his hands.

There. sappy right? --Kelsie

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