Saturday, August 21, 2010

My Story Chapter two part one

Chapter Two
School. Just the name of the place strikes fear in the hearts of children worldwide. But it didn't scare Tansi. Having always been good at school, Tansi had been able to skip a grade. She had not had many friends in her old grade, so didn't mind moving up. When she entered her new homeroom on her first day in a new grade, She tripped over Samson, who was lying on the ground where he had previously fallen. laughing, she had helped him to his feet and went to sit elsewhere in the room.
Homeroom for them was math, and Samson was terrible at it. While Tansi made straight A's at every test, Samson was on the verge of failing a grade. Frustrated, their teacher assigned Tansi to be Samson's tutor. At first Samson was Horrified and Indignant about being tutored by a girl, but when he got an A on his test, he learned to appreciate it.
As the semester rolled on, Samson and Tansi became good friends.

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