Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas guys!!! and thanks so much for reading our posts! You guys are awesome!!
 -Kelsie and Emma

Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Misadventures of dear Allyson round one

The Misadventures of dear Allyson round one


Ally burst through the door of the house she and her friends were sharing, skipping every other step on her way up to the family room, where she knew her friends would be waiting. She burst in, causing Gavin to half throw his book across the room, and Finian to jerk awake with a start.

“Guys, guess what! I got my drivers permit!!” She squealed, jumping up and down. The boys stared at her for a minute, and then jumped to their feet. Gavin moved in for a hug, but Finian beat him over there.  He looked his female friend over a few moments, from her drenched hair to her hand clenched tightly around a very short handled umbrella.

“It’s raining, huh?” He thought out loud. What makes you think that you’d make a safe driver Ally? You stink at Mario Cart!” Ally pointed the umbrella at him angrily.

“Take. That. Back.” She snarled.  Gavin blanched, glancing nervously between his two friends.

“What, or you’re gonna beat me up with that puny umbrella? I’m only telling the truth! I refuse.”

“It’s retractable.” The girl glared, and pressed a little button by her fingers. The top part of the umbrella shot out, bopping Finian in the face hard enough to drop him to the ground.  

Gavin simply stood and stared at him for a few moments before turning anxiously to face his girlfriend. She retracted the umbrella and pointed it at him instead.

“And what do you have to say?”           

“I k-knew you could do it! I’m s-so proud!” He managed a shaky smile. The girl hugged him, turning again into the silly version of Ally.

“Yay! I’m gonna go eat lunch now! See ya!” With this she ran back downstairs, leaving her boyfriend in the dust. Gavin stood frozen a bit longer, than turned, sat back down on the couch, and resumed reading his book.