Sunday, May 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Today, i went and saw a band!!!! It was actually a famous one this time!!!! It was *drumroll* Stellar Kart!!! *fwaaaaaaa* It was awesome!!! They signed my hat and i got a picture with them! I also got a picture with this REEEEEEALLY tall band... They made me feel like a smurf... it was not funny. But tessa seemed to think that it was. *tessa laughs in the background* Yeah. I'm at her house. It is raining. AGAIN. It Is. WET. I wont let tessa show me something and she keeps trying to steal da laptop. Mwahaha. And she keeps taking my picture when i am not lookng. All of the pictures are weird... And funny too though! So Weirdy, I am bored. At last. That is odd. I have had too much sugar....... A SNOWCONE AND DR PEPPER> AND A PEPSI AND A HALF!!! so... at some point, i will continue on my story. Mallory wanted me to see her play. I'm sowwy... I'm so glad you recorded it. I really wanna see it! Congrats, btw.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A very sad thing about school systems is that they block most of the best websites, but guess what? This one is not blocked! That's why I'm in my typing class (I FINISHED MY WORK) writing now. It was very hard to figure out how to sign on without my email (it's blocked...) But i did it eventually. I Just wanted to say that it was no fun typing what we had to do today... We had to type out 15 qualities of a good leader. It was not fun. And i don't think I got a good grade on it, cuz i forgot to put my name, so I wrote it with a pen instead... -_-
Hello Everyone! I am so hyper i could DIE!
Hello Everyone! I am so hyper i could DIE! is what it says! a spider is an exclamtion point...weird...
So nee chan? Am i to weird to be your weirdy?
Hello Everyone! I am so hyper i could DIE!
Hello Everyone! I am so hyper i could DIE! is what it says! a spider is an exclamtion point...weird...
So nee chan? Am i to weird to be your weirdy?
Monday, May 17, 2010
First four parts of Silence of the Snow
Outside it was snowing. Shizuko sat and watched as the beautiful fluffiness filled her yard. She wished he was here to see it with her. He'd always reminded her of the snow. A single tear rolled down her cheek. She brushed it away. The swing outside stil hung like a shadow upon the ever-drifting white. The very place they'd met. She knew thinking about it wasn't good, and tried to place the thought away. Her childish blonde hair hung into her eyes. She looked back down at her sketchbook. The elegant strokes of her pencil looked as if she'd really cared about what she was doing. She turned the page and picked up her pencil again. The image had returned at last, and she immeadiately scribbled down a base. The image of a boy smoothing a girl's hair as she lay weeping, her head in his lap. She remembered the gentle sweetness of his words as he whispered softly to her. She saw the tenderness in his vibrant blue eyes as he wiped the same tears from her eyes. Pulling out a box of pastels, she began to add the tender details to his clothing and face. Oh, how she wished she'd known. His pale skin and dark hair must've been what reminded her of winter. Or maybe his name. A tear from her cheek landed on the paper."Oh..." She cried. "My dear Reiyuki, Why?! You said you'd never leave me!" His smile was still present in her mind, the smell of his clothes still fresh as if he were standing right next to her. She finally added a small inscription to the bottom of the page, reading: "Reiyuki, My dearest, I'll always love you, As You always loved me..."
She opened the sketchbook. On the inside of the front cover was a sentence written in the most beautiful, calligraphy reading "Happy birthday Shi-chan! I hope you like it!" and was signed Yuki-kun. The first picture was of a winter day, almost as pretty as the one outside. It showed a boy pulling a girl up from the ground, as if she'd fallen into the snow. She remembered the day so well..."Shizuko, it's the snow outside is beautiful! Go play with the other kids!" Mom yelled. "But they don't like me, mom." Shizuko replied, her young blue eyes glistning with obvious shyness. "So? Get out there and make some new friends!" She yelled from the laundry room. Knowing she could not sway her mom's orders, she pulled a sweatshirt over her T-shirt. She pulled her kitty-eared hat over her head and wrapped a scarf around her neck. "See ya mom." She said, turning to the door. The world outside was, indeed, beautiful. Shizuko couldn't help but grin at the cold tickling of snowflakes on her face. She went outside and sat on the tire swing that her father had just hung the weekend previous. She was lonely. She'd been lonely ever since she'd moved her a month ago. Suddenly, she lost her balance and fell. Face first into the snow. She began to cry, as most young children would do if their face was cold. Suddenly, she heard a voice. "A-are you alright?" She looked up. A boy of a similar age to herself stood there, a hand extended as if to help her up. She took it. After helping her regain the ability to stand, he dusted the snow off of her shoulders and face. "Are you ok?" He asked once again, worry shinning in his vibrant blue eyes. "Y-yeah, I'm ok..." She stammered. "My name's Reiyuki," The boy told her, a gentle smile on his face. "I'm Shizuko." She said, nervous as can be. "So, what are you doing out here all by yourself?" He asked, snowflakes collecting in his black-as-coal hair. "Well..." As the two of them continued to talk to each other, they became better and better friends.She turned her veiw back to the window, where the snow was still falling vigorusly. The memories would never fade... Never ever fade...
She turned the page. The next picture was of the young boy with a flower behind his back as the girl stood in front of him. They were standing in a field with grass up to their knees.This had been the first day of spring..."Shizuko!" Reiyuki yelled from the top of the tree. "Look up here!" Shizuko looked up at him and gasped. "REIYUKI!!!!" She shouted. "DON"T FALL!!!""I Wont!" He said, standing on a branch. He lost his footing, Of course, and fell. Shizuko screamed. "REIYUKI!!!" Once she reached him, he sat up, laughing. "I'm ok!" He said, rubbing the back of his head. Shizuko's fear turned into childish anger. "REIYUKI YOU IDIOT! YOU HAD ME WORRIED!!!" He laughed and stood up. "I've got you something!" He said, his hands behind his back. "What?" She asked, completely forgotten her anger. "Close your eyes," He said, "and hold out your hands." She did as told as he pulled a Daffodil out from behind his back and placed it in her hands. "Now, Open!" He said. "Oh!" She exclaimed. "It's beautiful!" She hugged it close to her. It's petals were smooth and delicate. It smelled fresh and beautiful. "Thank you, Yuki-Kun!" She said. His blue eyes were smiling. "I Thought you'd like it!" He said, proud of his decision.She grinned back, full heartedly. She had an odd swelling feeling in her heart. She never wanted the moment to end...At this picture, she smiled. She went to her closet and pulled out a glass box, containing a dried daffodil. She opened the box. The wrinkled flower smelled just as sweet as the day he'd given it to her. She hugged it close to her, as she'd done before. The first symbol of his love...
She sat the box with the daffodil inside next to her and flipped to the next page. It was of the two of them on a swing in an abandoned schoolyard. The boy had bandaids on his knees. The girl's skirt was torn. They both looked very cutesy and young."Yuki-kun!" Shizuko yelled, frightened. Reiyuki stood up and dusted himself off. His knees were torn up, and bleeding. "I'm ok!" He said, gritting his teeth to ward off the pain. He sat back down on the asphalt. Shizuko looked horrified at the sight of the blood, and pulled a small white box from her bag. She opened it with shaking hands, and the bandaids flew everywhere. She yelped and scrambled to put them back in the box. Reiyuki laughed at her and said, "Really, Shi-chan, I'm alright! Just a scratch!" She pulled off the wax paper from one bandaid and put it across one knee, hardly covering the damage. "Maybe we shouldn't play tag on the concrete anymore." She said, upset. Then there was a silence as she plastered up both knees with bandaids. As she finished, she began to cry. "Wh-What's wrong?" Reiyuki asked, looking at her face beneath her childish blonde hair. "I'M SO SORRY!!!" She Cried out."What?" He repied, confused. "I Never should've suggested tag!" She cried, feeling it was all her fault. "Oh, Shi-chan, I PROMISE it wasn't your fault." He hugged her, and his shoulder got wet from her crying. He stood to his feet, grimacing at the pain. "Wanna go swing?" He asked her, gesturing to the swings at the other end of the aboandoned playground.Wiping the tears from her eyes, she nodded. "O-Ok, Yuki-kun." Eventually they forgot about the whole incident, for that is the way children's minds work. They were laughing and smiling and giigling all over again...Shizuko remembered that day as if it were yesterday, even though it had been several years ago. The playground still remained. She closed up her sketchbook and headed out the door, her book in tow. She headed to the schoolyard, the snow still falling. She went and sat on the same swing, the SAME EXACT place where he'd asked her the question. The swing he'd sat on was broken, one chain fallen to the ground. She dusted the snow off of the seat of it, and found that the initials were still there: R&S 4EVER...
She opened the sketchbook. On the inside of the front cover was a sentence written in the most beautiful, calligraphy reading "Happy birthday Shi-chan! I hope you like it!" and was signed Yuki-kun. The first picture was of a winter day, almost as pretty as the one outside. It showed a boy pulling a girl up from the ground, as if she'd fallen into the snow. She remembered the day so well..."Shizuko, it's the snow outside is beautiful! Go play with the other kids!" Mom yelled. "But they don't like me, mom." Shizuko replied, her young blue eyes glistning with obvious shyness. "So? Get out there and make some new friends!" She yelled from the laundry room. Knowing she could not sway her mom's orders, she pulled a sweatshirt over her T-shirt. She pulled her kitty-eared hat over her head and wrapped a scarf around her neck. "See ya mom." She said, turning to the door. The world outside was, indeed, beautiful. Shizuko couldn't help but grin at the cold tickling of snowflakes on her face. She went outside and sat on the tire swing that her father had just hung the weekend previous. She was lonely. She'd been lonely ever since she'd moved her a month ago. Suddenly, she lost her balance and fell. Face first into the snow. She began to cry, as most young children would do if their face was cold. Suddenly, she heard a voice. "A-are you alright?" She looked up. A boy of a similar age to herself stood there, a hand extended as if to help her up. She took it. After helping her regain the ability to stand, he dusted the snow off of her shoulders and face. "Are you ok?" He asked once again, worry shinning in his vibrant blue eyes. "Y-yeah, I'm ok..." She stammered. "My name's Reiyuki," The boy told her, a gentle smile on his face. "I'm Shizuko." She said, nervous as can be. "So, what are you doing out here all by yourself?" He asked, snowflakes collecting in his black-as-coal hair. "Well..." As the two of them continued to talk to each other, they became better and better friends.She turned her veiw back to the window, where the snow was still falling vigorusly. The memories would never fade... Never ever fade...
She turned the page. The next picture was of the young boy with a flower behind his back as the girl stood in front of him. They were standing in a field with grass up to their knees.This had been the first day of spring..."Shizuko!" Reiyuki yelled from the top of the tree. "Look up here!" Shizuko looked up at him and gasped. "REIYUKI!!!!" She shouted. "DON"T FALL!!!""I Wont!" He said, standing on a branch. He lost his footing, Of course, and fell. Shizuko screamed. "REIYUKI!!!" Once she reached him, he sat up, laughing. "I'm ok!" He said, rubbing the back of his head. Shizuko's fear turned into childish anger. "REIYUKI YOU IDIOT! YOU HAD ME WORRIED!!!" He laughed and stood up. "I've got you something!" He said, his hands behind his back. "What?" She asked, completely forgotten her anger. "Close your eyes," He said, "and hold out your hands." She did as told as he pulled a Daffodil out from behind his back and placed it in her hands. "Now, Open!" He said. "Oh!" She exclaimed. "It's beautiful!" She hugged it close to her. It's petals were smooth and delicate. It smelled fresh and beautiful. "Thank you, Yuki-Kun!" She said. His blue eyes were smiling. "I Thought you'd like it!" He said, proud of his decision.She grinned back, full heartedly. She had an odd swelling feeling in her heart. She never wanted the moment to end...At this picture, she smiled. She went to her closet and pulled out a glass box, containing a dried daffodil. She opened the box. The wrinkled flower smelled just as sweet as the day he'd given it to her. She hugged it close to her, as she'd done before. The first symbol of his love...
She sat the box with the daffodil inside next to her and flipped to the next page. It was of the two of them on a swing in an abandoned schoolyard. The boy had bandaids on his knees. The girl's skirt was torn. They both looked very cutesy and young."Yuki-kun!" Shizuko yelled, frightened. Reiyuki stood up and dusted himself off. His knees were torn up, and bleeding. "I'm ok!" He said, gritting his teeth to ward off the pain. He sat back down on the asphalt. Shizuko looked horrified at the sight of the blood, and pulled a small white box from her bag. She opened it with shaking hands, and the bandaids flew everywhere. She yelped and scrambled to put them back in the box. Reiyuki laughed at her and said, "Really, Shi-chan, I'm alright! Just a scratch!" She pulled off the wax paper from one bandaid and put it across one knee, hardly covering the damage. "Maybe we shouldn't play tag on the concrete anymore." She said, upset. Then there was a silence as she plastered up both knees with bandaids. As she finished, she began to cry. "Wh-What's wrong?" Reiyuki asked, looking at her face beneath her childish blonde hair. "I'M SO SORRY!!!" She Cried out."What?" He repied, confused. "I Never should've suggested tag!" She cried, feeling it was all her fault. "Oh, Shi-chan, I PROMISE it wasn't your fault." He hugged her, and his shoulder got wet from her crying. He stood to his feet, grimacing at the pain. "Wanna go swing?" He asked her, gesturing to the swings at the other end of the aboandoned playground.Wiping the tears from her eyes, she nodded. "O-Ok, Yuki-kun." Eventually they forgot about the whole incident, for that is the way children's minds work. They were laughing and smiling and giigling all over again...Shizuko remembered that day as if it were yesterday, even though it had been several years ago. The playground still remained. She closed up her sketchbook and headed out the door, her book in tow. She headed to the schoolyard, the snow still falling. She went and sat on the same swing, the SAME EXACT place where he'd asked her the question. The swing he'd sat on was broken, one chain fallen to the ground. She dusted the snow off of the seat of it, and found that the initials were still there: R&S 4EVER...
Realistic Fiction,
Silence of the snow,
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Nickname stories
K- My grandpa calls me Cookie, but I didn't know why until I heard the story. While my mom was pregnant with me,My grandpa made my mom a batch of cookies.My mom ate a LOT of them!! That night when my mom sat down on the bed, it broke. My grandpa joked that it was because of all the cookies she ate. My grandpa then decided to call me cookie, and he has!
E- But then why is my nickname m and m?
K- cause your sweet!
E- awwww!
E- But then why is my nickname m and m?
K- cause your sweet!
E- awwww!
Silence of the snow by Emma Herrell part 1
Outside it was snowing. Shizuko sat and watched as the beautiful fluffiness filled her yard. She wished he was here to see it with her. He'd always reminded her of the snow. A single tear rolled down her cheek. She brushed it away. The swing outside stil hung like a shadow upon the ever-drifting white. The very place they'd met. She knew thinking about it wasn't good, and tried to place the thought away. Her childish blonde hair hung into her eyes. She looked back down at her sketchbook. The elegant strokes of her pencil looked as if she'd really cared about what she was doing. She turned the page and picked up her pencil again. The image had returned at last, and she immeadiately scribbled down a base. The image of a boy smoothing a girl's hair as she lay weeping, her head in his lap. She remembered the gentle sweetness of his words as he whispered softly to her. She saw the tenderness in his vibrant blue eyes as he wiped the same tears from her eyes. Pulling out a box of pastels, she began to add the tender details to his clothing and face. Oh, how she wished she'd known. His pale skin and dark hair must've been what reminded her of winter. Or maybe his name. A tear from her cheek landed on the paper."Oh..." She cried. "My dear Reiyuki, Why?! You said you'd never leave me!" His smile was still present in her mind, the smell of his clothes still fresh as if he were standing right next to her. She finally added a small inscription to the bottom of the page, reading: "Reiyuki, My dearest, I'll always love you, As You always loved me..."
My story chapter one, pt. one
Tansi sat by the old oak tree and yawned. She wondered what was taking him so long. She listened intently for the sound of wheels coming closer, but hearing none, she fumbled with her necklace.
As she heard the sound of a scooter rolling down the street, Tansi saw why her best friend was so late. Samson Martindale, riding his scooter, was dragging his little sister behind him. The little girl was holding onto her big brother’s belt loop, and smiled at Tansi as she stood up.
“Hi Tansi!” The little girl chirped. “Hello Shoelace, what are you doing here?” Tansi asked. Samson sighed and ruffled his sisters light brown hair. “Mama asked me to drop her off at the preschool on our way to School today.” Tansi stood and put her hand on her bag. “Let’s go then!” She said and they started down the street. The chilly TN breeze blew with them.
Shoelace stumbled on her untied shoes and looked up at Tansi. With Tansi’s long blond braids and her blue bucket hat, Tansi looked a bit, well, old fashioned, yet smart. A glitter of light caught Shoelaces eye, and she turned to see Tansi’s necklace shining in the early morning light. Shoelace reached out to touch it.
Tansi saw the movement and bent down to look Shoelace in the eyes. “Do you like it?” She questioned, holding out her necklace charm so the little girl could see it. The bronze peace sign seemed to glow as Shoelace leaned closer. “My father gave it to me before he… disappeared.” Tansi shuddered at the memory. Her father had gone to work almost two years ago and had not come back.Tansi saw the movement and bent down to look Shoelace in the eyes. “Do you like it?” She questioned, holding out her necklace charm so the little girl could see it. The bronze peace sign seemed to glow as Shoelace leaned closer. “My father gave it to me before he… disappeared.” Tansi shuddered at the memory. Her father had gone to work almost two years ago and had not come back.
“It must be great to be an only child,” Samson cut in, Changing from the awkward subject, “Like; I’m always being told ‘why can’t you be like your brothers?’ It’s so embarrassing!” Samson grimaced and Shoelace looked up at him, “Well, you don’t have to worry about that, do you bubby?” she asked, looking rather innocent. That’s right! Tansi thought to herself as the trio walked down the road. Samson's older brothers had gone off to follow their dreams. The oldest, Ted, was a teacher in Topeka, Kansas, Charles, the youngest, (besides Samson and Shoelace) was a soldier in the U.S. army, and the middle son, Miller, had just left for collage.
With his Father away in the Navy, Samson was pretty much the man of the house. With his mother as a part time nurse at the local Red Cross, Samson often had to take care of Shoelace, so walks like these had become an every day thing.
The sound of crutches and a voice interrupted Tansi’s thoughts. Tansi turned around and grinned. Coming up the road, was Tansi and Samson’s best friend, Ichigo Tarona, her dark red hair blowing softly in the wind.
As she heard the sound of a scooter rolling down the street, Tansi saw why her best friend was so late. Samson Martindale, riding his scooter, was dragging his little sister behind him. The little girl was holding onto her big brother’s belt loop, and smiled at Tansi as she stood up.
“Hi Tansi!” The little girl chirped. “Hello Shoelace, what are you doing here?” Tansi asked. Samson sighed and ruffled his sisters light brown hair. “Mama asked me to drop her off at the preschool on our way to School today.” Tansi stood and put her hand on her bag. “Let’s go then!” She said and they started down the street. The chilly TN breeze blew with them.
Shoelace stumbled on her untied shoes and looked up at Tansi. With Tansi’s long blond braids and her blue bucket hat, Tansi looked a bit, well, old fashioned, yet smart. A glitter of light caught Shoelaces eye, and she turned to see Tansi’s necklace shining in the early morning light. Shoelace reached out to touch it.
Tansi saw the movement and bent down to look Shoelace in the eyes. “Do you like it?” She questioned, holding out her necklace charm so the little girl could see it. The bronze peace sign seemed to glow as Shoelace leaned closer. “My father gave it to me before he… disappeared.” Tansi shuddered at the memory. Her father had gone to work almost two years ago and had not come back.Tansi saw the movement and bent down to look Shoelace in the eyes. “Do you like it?” She questioned, holding out her necklace charm so the little girl could see it. The bronze peace sign seemed to glow as Shoelace leaned closer. “My father gave it to me before he… disappeared.” Tansi shuddered at the memory. Her father had gone to work almost two years ago and had not come back.
“It must be great to be an only child,” Samson cut in, Changing from the awkward subject, “Like; I’m always being told ‘why can’t you be like your brothers?’ It’s so embarrassing!” Samson grimaced and Shoelace looked up at him, “Well, you don’t have to worry about that, do you bubby?” she asked, looking rather innocent. That’s right! Tansi thought to herself as the trio walked down the road. Samson's older brothers had gone off to follow their dreams. The oldest, Ted, was a teacher in Topeka, Kansas, Charles, the youngest, (besides Samson and Shoelace) was a soldier in the U.S. army, and the middle son, Miller, had just left for collage.
With his Father away in the Navy, Samson was pretty much the man of the house. With his mother as a part time nurse at the local Red Cross, Samson often had to take care of Shoelace, so walks like these had become an every day thing.
The sound of crutches and a voice interrupted Tansi’s thoughts. Tansi turned around and grinned. Coming up the road, was Tansi and Samson’s best friend, Ichigo Tarona, her dark red hair blowing softly in the wind.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Haikus from me to you
prowling a prowling
does the little black cat go
stalking in the snow
the Bible says true
what Jesus came here to do
died for me and you
dragon flying east
for the sun he plans to meet
flying to the clouds
flame burning up high
embers to the skys they leap
bonfire touches the sky
does the little black cat go
stalking in the snow
the Bible says true
what Jesus came here to do
died for me and you
dragon flying east
for the sun he plans to meet
flying to the clouds
flame burning up high
embers to the skys they leap
bonfire touches the sky
Escape from Disaster by Kelsie
This is a short story I wrote for a school project.
A small girl sat on the steps of the bakers doorway, eating a small, golden pastry. Her wild red hair flew softly in the cool Roman breeze, and she lifted a skinny hand to brush away a small strand of hair from her face. Her dress, faded to the point of no color, was hanging in rags around her dirty, bare feet.
The baker walked outside the shop, and looking down, saw the little girl at his feet. "Go home now, little one," he said. "I won't have little vagabonds hanging around my store!" The little girl looked up, startled. Then, jumping to her feet, she dipped her head in respect, and grabbing the bag of food she had just purchased, she ran up the road and disappeared down an alleyway.
As she ran down the alley, a golden haired boy of about thirteen stepped out of the shadows. "What you got there, Marina?" he asked, looking curiously at the bag in her hand. "Oh it's you, Aurelius!" she cried, hugging her elder brother around his waist.
"Look! I found a denarius on the street, and I bought some food for dinner tonight!" She handed the bag of food and a couple of coins to her brother, and they walked together to a blackened house on the outskirts of the city. This was their home.
It had been seven years since their parents had died in a fire, and Aurelius, having their only living relatives across the sea in Sicily, had decided to live inside of this old, abandoned, house and take care of little Marina, who at the time was about two.
Living out on the street in this city, was sometimes easy, yet sometimes not, for they lived in the beautiful city of Pompeii. The year was A.D. 79, and though normally a peaceful city, Pompeii had been having small earthquakes the past few days.
As Aurelius and Marina sat down to eat dinner, an earthquake shook the house, causing a small handful of dust to settle on their heads. A crack shattered a side wall, and the warm august breeze filled the room. Aurelius stood up and went over to a cabinet, taking out a small blanket. He placed the blanket over Marina's shoulders, and they continued their meal.
Marina coughed as she bit down into a dry, crumbly piece of bread. "I cant stand only eating bread everyday!" She complained, looking through the bag of bread and pastries on the table. Aurelius stood up abruptly, taking Marina's hand and pulling her to her feet. "I agree, sis. Tomorrow let's wake up early and go fishing."
With that, Marina sat back down and gobbled up her food. That night, she got ready for bed earlier than usual. As she snuggled down under the covers of their only bed, Aurelius sat down on the couch and hummed softly the lullaby their mother used to sing to them. Soon Marina fell into a deep sleep.
The next morning, Aurelius was awoken by Marina jumping up and down on his knees. "I'm up, I'm up!" He groaned, as Marina giggled. "Wake up sleepy! You said we'd go fishing today!" Aurelius sat up, nearly knocking Marina to the floor in his haste. "Lets go then!" he said, grabbing his fathers fishing nets. "Yay!" Marina yelled, jumping up and down in excitement. "Calm down!" Aurelius laughed. "Or you'll scare all the fish away." And the cheerful twosome walked out the door.
Several miles away, Mount Vesuvius, the volcano overshadowing Pompeii, rumbled slightly.
Back at the beach, Marina looked up at a strand of smoke coming from the volcano in confusion. "Aurelius?" she asked, Isn't the Volcano dorman?" "You mean Dormant?" Aurelius laughed, "It is, but sometimes it smokes like that."
Aurelius pulled a handmade raft from behind a large bush and set it in the water. "Well, let's go!" he said, sitting Marina on the raft. Pushing it out into the water, Aurelius pulled himself up on the raft and grabbed a paddle. Using it like a pole, he pushed them out into the ocean.
At that moment, Mount Vesuvius began to rumble. Ash went flying into the air, along with dust and fragments of rocks. A blast of warm air sent the raft and its occupants gliding further into the ocean. Marina and Aurelius watched in horror as their home, the beautiful Pompeii, was covered in ashes and destroyed.
Aurelius held tightly to Marina as the current pulled their raft deep into the Tyrrhenian Sea. Away from their now destroyed home, away from everything they had ever known. They both cried openly, the salty air stinging their faces.
Two days later, the brother and sister washed up on the shores of Sicily, hungry and thirsty, but still alive. A passing sailor found them lying on the beach. Seeing the shape they were in, he took them to the city's doctor. As soon as he brought them inside the door, a nurse began crying and ran to them. This was their aunt, Acadia, who had moved to Sicily with her husband several years ago. Taking full charge of the children's care, she adopted them into their family.
Aurelius and Marina lived the rest of their lives happy, part of a family.
A small girl sat on the steps of the bakers doorway, eating a small, golden pastry. Her wild red hair flew softly in the cool Roman breeze, and she lifted a skinny hand to brush away a small strand of hair from her face. Her dress, faded to the point of no color, was hanging in rags around her dirty, bare feet.
The baker walked outside the shop, and looking down, saw the little girl at his feet. "Go home now, little one," he said. "I won't have little vagabonds hanging around my store!" The little girl looked up, startled. Then, jumping to her feet, she dipped her head in respect, and grabbing the bag of food she had just purchased, she ran up the road and disappeared down an alleyway.
As she ran down the alley, a golden haired boy of about thirteen stepped out of the shadows. "What you got there, Marina?" he asked, looking curiously at the bag in her hand. "Oh it's you, Aurelius!" she cried, hugging her elder brother around his waist.
"Look! I found a denarius on the street, and I bought some food for dinner tonight!" She handed the bag of food and a couple of coins to her brother, and they walked together to a blackened house on the outskirts of the city. This was their home.
It had been seven years since their parents had died in a fire, and Aurelius, having their only living relatives across the sea in Sicily, had decided to live inside of this old, abandoned, house and take care of little Marina, who at the time was about two.
Living out on the street in this city, was sometimes easy, yet sometimes not, for they lived in the beautiful city of Pompeii. The year was A.D. 79, and though normally a peaceful city, Pompeii had been having small earthquakes the past few days.
As Aurelius and Marina sat down to eat dinner, an earthquake shook the house, causing a small handful of dust to settle on their heads. A crack shattered a side wall, and the warm august breeze filled the room. Aurelius stood up and went over to a cabinet, taking out a small blanket. He placed the blanket over Marina's shoulders, and they continued their meal.
Marina coughed as she bit down into a dry, crumbly piece of bread. "I cant stand only eating bread everyday!" She complained, looking through the bag of bread and pastries on the table. Aurelius stood up abruptly, taking Marina's hand and pulling her to her feet. "I agree, sis. Tomorrow let's wake up early and go fishing."
With that, Marina sat back down and gobbled up her food. That night, she got ready for bed earlier than usual. As she snuggled down under the covers of their only bed, Aurelius sat down on the couch and hummed softly the lullaby their mother used to sing to them. Soon Marina fell into a deep sleep.
The next morning, Aurelius was awoken by Marina jumping up and down on his knees. "I'm up, I'm up!" He groaned, as Marina giggled. "Wake up sleepy! You said we'd go fishing today!" Aurelius sat up, nearly knocking Marina to the floor in his haste. "Lets go then!" he said, grabbing his fathers fishing nets. "Yay!" Marina yelled, jumping up and down in excitement. "Calm down!" Aurelius laughed. "Or you'll scare all the fish away." And the cheerful twosome walked out the door.
Several miles away, Mount Vesuvius, the volcano overshadowing Pompeii, rumbled slightly.
Back at the beach, Marina looked up at a strand of smoke coming from the volcano in confusion. "Aurelius?" she asked, Isn't the Volcano dorman?" "You mean Dormant?" Aurelius laughed, "It is, but sometimes it smokes like that."
Aurelius pulled a handmade raft from behind a large bush and set it in the water. "Well, let's go!" he said, sitting Marina on the raft. Pushing it out into the water, Aurelius pulled himself up on the raft and grabbed a paddle. Using it like a pole, he pushed them out into the ocean.
At that moment, Mount Vesuvius began to rumble. Ash went flying into the air, along with dust and fragments of rocks. A blast of warm air sent the raft and its occupants gliding further into the ocean. Marina and Aurelius watched in horror as their home, the beautiful Pompeii, was covered in ashes and destroyed.
Aurelius held tightly to Marina as the current pulled their raft deep into the Tyrrhenian Sea. Away from their now destroyed home, away from everything they had ever known. They both cried openly, the salty air stinging their faces.
Two days later, the brother and sister washed up on the shores of Sicily, hungry and thirsty, but still alive. A passing sailor found them lying on the beach. Seeing the shape they were in, he took them to the city's doctor. As soon as he brought them inside the door, a nurse began crying and ran to them. This was their aunt, Acadia, who had moved to Sicily with her husband several years ago. Taking full charge of the children's care, she adopted them into their family.
Aurelius and Marina lived the rest of their lives happy, part of a family.
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